Saturday, March 16, 2019

Push Push : On That Side Of Closing Up !!!

 Not everyone see whats inside you ..unless you say it talk about it ...most of people can't see can't blame them ..
if you want them to see the inside you like that ..feel you know what is inside ( without you expressing it in sounds ) , well seldom of people may notice but majority ..the most of them will not ...!
you may be angry & upset ..cause no one notice  .. but don't blame them one will know whats inside you unless you express it ..if you don't want them to

Sunday, March 03, 2019

Push Push : Introvert vs Extrovert !

its nice to balance things ..whether you are an introvert or an extrovert or non social ..its nice to play with things like The circus player & balance them all ..
from here and there moving slowly and enjoying your life in all its forms..
* being introverted doesn't necessarily means you are anxious ..but sometimes