Saturday, December 31, 2016

Prepare Your Basket : 2016 End ~!

I don't know what to say about 2016 but 
it was a year that was full of different things 
difficult and hard things for me... things that some of them break my heart into pieces.. other not to that extent... but I kept moving forward... and those things although it tear me up.. I do  changed or develop to be more stronger... more sensitive.. more enjoyable... more forgivable... more hard working..!!!!! 
I dont know... i start to look at the things that happend and the scenes around me in a different perspective... let's say more positive... trying to hold that tiny light in the middle of darkness... the Believe inside me ... that tiny light.... i Believe that its shine increase everyday...each day... Be good... act good... move forward.. and hopes for  beautiful days to come around... 
Good bye 2016.. 

2016 End Count Down : Day 7 ~ !

๐Ÿ“’ Korean cafes ~

One of the things I will absolutely like to do if I go to Korea is visiting their cafes ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ‘Œ.. it's amazing how their cafe culture is.. I lovvve it.. one of things that I like about Korean culture... is the cafรฉs atmosphere one of the best atmospheres for me..   ahh ( sound of excitement kkk)  I like how they grasp

2016 End Count Down : Day 8 ~ !

๐Ÿ“’it's interesting how our lives change with the Internet.. something has definitely changed in the last couple of years... the connection between people.. how they connect and interact with each other mmm I dont know.. but the waiting to call someone or to meet that person in the past... is so different from now... that waiting time... become shorter and shorter that before... u can see,

2016 End Count Down : Day 9 ~ !

๐Ÿ“’ Goals
well as each year people tend to write down their (new)  goals for the next year.. I always questioned my self.. like it's amazing to do that.. but sometimes.. people just write down their new goals or things to do in the beginning of each year.. get hyped for a couple of days when they start.. then.. stop moving.... hmmm

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

2016 End Count Down : Day 10 ~ !

๐Ÿ“’Adaptation to a New Level.. 

Sometimes we put pressure in our selves to adapt to a certain period of our life span... or sometimes we don't know what's going on in our lives when we just started a new chapter... like we feel frustration.. lost.. sometimes become sad and depressed because of that...!

And the Life Chapters that I am talking about Are like when u just enter a university... or when u enter the working life aka adult life.. even when a little child starting elementary school... or u travel to live in another country starting new life there... the feelings of denial.. frustration... loneliness..

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Prepare Your Basket : November End ~ !

๐Ÿ“’Hello beautiful people
so here is November End diaries... so Prepare ur Basket hehe ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

This is the month I started trying to put everything things together...

Starting with regular upload on youtube and the blog on a  weekly basis...
and as a result to that
I trained my self to do brain storming on regular basis..

Working on my little shop and trying different methods..

Buy some tools to help me out with filming..

Start drawing my Manga with drawing the main characters,
well this is not easy at all.. sigh!

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Life Scene : A GoaL !

Goal.. when u think about it, or let be more specific.. when u ask people about this word.. they will have different choices.. : one yes I do have a Goal or.. I dont have one ( or maybe he/she was on the 1st part then move to the second or vice versa)  and some get confused and feel lost..! 
But let go more into this word.! 

A goal or goals is something that u wanna achieve in order to reach ur Ultimate Goal: ur Vision.. what u wanna do in ur life... what u r living for?.... 
Someone u wanna become.. Someone u wanna Be...! 

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Visual Story : I am Sick ~

Hello Beautiful People 

How have u been 

Here is a little story... Moments that I have wrote and drew it