music is a beautiful language a language that connects souls without barriers to study to understand ,, it transfers emotions , feelings and thoughts and enters the mind, the heart, the body and soul ,,connects times , places and people ,, an amazing language and with sincere intentions can change people lives to live this beautiful life with joy, amusement, excitement , peace, beauty and all the beautiful magic that spread here there everywhere,,, music is a beautiful and blessing langauge that enters you without a permission but a good ear to listen and authentic soul and heart to feel to dream to intertwine with to dance into the melodies of life. GOD BLESS .
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Tuesday, April 09, 2024
yesterday before sleep i came to again discover a new artist ,, a saxophonist who is really amazing and i came a cross him while watching his collab with another artist a violinist whom i discover few days ago i think it was this week when i discovered her ,, they made great collab that i kept pressing video after video until it was almost midnight while i supposedly go to sleep approximately an hour before ,, and i did watch some of his solo performances ,, yet i stopped my self to go to sleep so i can wake up ,, (since i have to wake up early these days ) the music they played and playing , the way they perform it ,, their outfits ,, their enjoyments and their energies ,, just transform throughout the screen as if you are with them in front of them ,, you feel the joy and the beauty .
type on youtube: Daniele_Vitale_Sax & KarolinaProtsenkoViolin
Monday, April 08, 2024
i don't celebrate ramadan and eid ,, i stop doing so after learing thats they are man made ,, to encapsulate humans as other religions do ,, drifting people away from their true selves from their true missions and visions ,, causing not good changes in the long run and making people live in a lie ,,, i stop doing so and start to celebrate real freedom and wellbeing everyday cause they are ones of the true essences of life.