Thursday, October 24, 2024

yesterday while watching some of behind the scenes of the drama what comes after love ,,, that scene when they are outside wearing the coats in the winter it just reminded me of me being at jordan during my uni years in winter and it was cold ,,and even the cold breeze and wind hit me yesterday ,, the cold air there is nice when it hits you while you are wearing your jackets ,, it reminded me of beautiful cozy days and as a reminder to be the cherish uplifting bright happy and now rich me to live life to its optimum enjoyable potential 💐🪄💖✨️

 also to add to these scenes ,, yesterday while i was watching an interview of these two actors and they were getting asked about their 1st impression of each and and kentaro was whipping his hand off ,, almost after half of the video has passed already i got goosebumps as if i am there ,, i think i was there and i am there being this kind of popular good lovable human being .like the way i just got the goosebumps as i immediately being positioned there fully dressed and being interviewed OMG !!!!!! 

and while watching kentaro interview with jiyoung at the end of that funny ep as always he said words that i was , am and be them these days his words about loving him self so he can spread the love to all people aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH i was shocked and i was like there is no way these videos popped up on my youtube ,, like i dont watch new series these days ,,anyhow this was a match made in heaven ,, to the existence of these alike people in my universe its a destiny , the way i live my life delighfully and a match made in heaven that i am super thankful and super grateful for 💖🎀.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

my girl ..aaaaaaahhhhhhhh such a kdrama ,, i dont have ..i cant describe how much i love and adore this series ,, one of the most beautiful,  romantic and comedy series ever. i dont know when was the last time i rewatched it ,,, the amount of emotions these actors portrait is beyond phenomenal ,,, really such great acting ( not to forget how i lovvve lovve their fashion too ) ,, the drama was aired back at the end of 2005 - beginning of 2006 ( that is when i was in my last year of high school ) i watched it on 2008 and i think it was on may of that year ,, yeah prior the end of the 2nd semester of that year . i rewatchef again multiple times but i cant remember when was the last time i rewatched ,, i dont think i pass 2010 or even 2009 ,, sometimes i remember watching and listening to its osts which are absolutely phenomenal and sending you to different universes once you hear them , just pull strings of my heart aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh ,, the romance , the true love , your soulmate will end up with you no matter of what happen regardless of the circumstances ( which was a lot in this drama ) and with the absence of all of these , once you are the master of your life ( in regards to this and to the other things) you will be together and you both already know that , inside of you both the feeling of the know , wrapped you your heart in most secure most caring way nost easiest way , it makes you at ease at peace ,, its an indescribable yet describable feeling ever and taking with that feeling not just with being the love of your life forever but with other aspects of life too . while watching this series ( though i still didnt finish it yet as i am writing at these moments) it evokes these emotions again ,, to be more specific its like a reminder,,, a reassure ,, to the abundant easy beautiful, helpful and enjoyable life that i identify with , reassuring these and of who i am as  highly abundant and rich queen as i am and evoking the meaning of true love true sincere romance and .... i dont know ... but i know that this will happen to me and i mean in regard to these beautiful romantic moments with my future husband ,, i am sending my voice and my emotions through telepathy to you my future husband you btter be most romantic , most lovable , most sincere , most caring , most rich ( of course hahahaha) and all these beautiful , rich and understandable aspects of life as i am you my mirror , my love and my partner in life, forever hahahaha

공창 처럼 유린 한테 

you would do everything for me 

حب مخلص حب صادق 

aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh i am screaming as i wrote everything out here hahahaha aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH 

to my favorite kdrama of all time ( along with others too hahahaha ) thank you for all these people who worked on it ,,, thank you for this terrifically beautiful art ,, i am sending all my gratitude,  love and admiration through the air , through waves and through telepathy ,, thank you for the joy and the love you added and add in these moments of my life whether i watch it , remember it and even living these beautiful lovable moments with my love of my life ,,, thank you is not enough,, yet thank you is more than enough i guess mmmmm.... my eyes are tearing a little bit now with how i am grateful and thankful that i watched and rewatching it again and again,,

thank you from the bottom of my heart ,, sending you thankful and grateful waves and signals that add beautiful and lovable touches into your hearts ,, to all of you ,, to all sincere authentic beautiful creatures that came to perform this art that will stay forever ,,

                           thank you ♡☆❝❞

                                             written 18th oct 2024