Wednesday, November 27, 2024

 hello ive been here in hargeisa for 10 months now i forgot that i passed 22nd of November it marked my 10th month hahaha anyhow i am in my 11th month now the weather is cool and nice , the temp is not too hot nor too cold ,, its just perfect slightly autumn feels like weather cause we dont wear heavy cloths yet the cloths are the same we wear during summer without the hotness and the heatness of summer season that last for almost whole year ,, it started on February till october if i except a month out of these hotty months it would be june !!! yess june it was quite breezy cool and temperature was quite low in comparison to other months ,, well that add a little uniqueness to this city hargeisa,, though i think if there are trees everywhere and the infrastructure is quite build up the weather would be super cool as i saw that at buurta masalaha ( masalaha mountin)  . anyhow i am super thankful and super grateful that i have this beautiful chance and took views and perspectives on the life here as i learnt a lot , helped and helping tons and tons of people and my surroundings with my uplifting , bright , encouraging healing energies with my existence ♡

GOD bless

lunch in on of those days


 the beauty of life 

life is so beautiful and blissful its also depend on how you look at it , how you see it and how you sense it . dont lose your energy on negative things and shift ur energy,  dont waste it on the negative things and make these things non sense,  not on your level and shift ur energy on positive uplifting things , on the life that you want to live without the hatm on your self , the people or your surroundings live your true beautiful life that you direct your energy towards whats matter you toward the beauty , the blisses and the enjoyment and always be thankful and be grateful . its the knowing that everything is working out for you and with all this blissful energies their working together to intensify and glorify the beauty of life all being blessed and intertwining with the good , the uplifting and the beauty .

shift your focus and embody the one who you want to be , focus on it ,all the other screams negative unwanted things will disappear without you notice , and if you are already on that on your world they never appear again infront of you they never appear again in your beautiful world in your beautiful life . set the intentions and your life follow the programs , always GOD with you and within you and you always be blessed 

                                    GOD bless you always ♡

Thursday, November 14, 2024

  sleeping is very important,  its part of human's life like air like light , it rejuvenates your skin your body your physique and your mind , it heals , it nourishs,  it refreshes you , its a bliss ,, its a gate that enters you and a portal that drives you through the dream world , the parallel universes no its your other univeres as its you who shut down from being here moving with your body to enter another realm to enter and be into your other realms your other univereses ,, even you have the ability to be in the one you leave temporarily like lucid dreams , sleeping is such a beyond fascinating phenomenon its a bond that connects between different universes and the source . so please activate your parasympathetic nervous system by deep breathing by focusing by intending so your brain and body calm down and sleep , have a good time and always have good sleep .