hello ive been here in hargeisa for 10 months now i forgot that i passed 22nd of November it marked my 10th month hahaha anyhow i am in my 11th month now the weather is cool and nice , the temp is not too hot nor too cold ,, its just perfect slightly autumn feels like weather cause we dont wear heavy cloths yet the cloths are the same we wear during summer without the hotness and the heatness of summer season that last for almost whole year ,, it started on February till october if i except a month out of these hotty months it would be june !!! yess june it was quite breezy cool and temperature was quite low in comparison to other months ,, well that add a little uniqueness to this city hargeisa,, though i think if there are trees everywhere and the infrastructure is quite build up the weather would be super cool as i saw that at buurta masalaha ( masalaha mountin) . anyhow i am super thankful and super grateful that i have this beautiful chance and took views and perspectives on the life here as i learnt a lot , helped and helping tons and tons of people and my surroundings with my uplifting , bright , encouraging healing energies with my existence ♡
GOD bless