Monday, March 02, 2015

Harvest Moon : February End !

Hello guys March is just started yeah..

adding new things to ur life will take a time till u adapt into it or time we could say it as to be friend with that new thing ^^

last month the thing that I added in my life is to blog.. to write here on 
a schedule based. each Monday as u can see 
and this add a nice routine in my life to be on time with no procrastination which is one of the worst things ever...
 we keep procrastinate things because we want to make it the most perfect thing ever ... or sometimes we do that because we are afraid.. those fears of things or places or maybe people keep us away from things we want to do..
or sometimes there is a lot of work and we keep thinking of it as a whole big one thing that should be done in one time... which is soo wrong and I know that our mind keeps telling us that and we keep postponing things tell the deadline.. at the end we may do half of it.. or in rush with all those panics or may just forget or in specific word ignore it like.. it's not of my responsibility!!

To avoid procrastination.. the bad one...
take everything and divide it into sections or steps..add  little by little till u complete the whole picture.. that's the big key ^^ step by step..

Always remember.. don't compare ur self to another person, u start to look at their abilities and trying to imitate them in each step they are taking.. let me tell u this.. this is uncool at all it make u more stupid and u will not be satisfied with ur life.. it's nice to find an inspirational source to find something that move u forward that let's u trying to find ur true self.. ur true passion.. if u keep imitate that person  u just coated ur beautiful soul and energy.. ur r special.. so keep looking for ur sweet special story... that's will make u stistified with what u have, add and learn little by little each day to became u to be that shining star in ur way... please get off that mask  and show more of what God give u... keep going....

finally I came up with a new mind sit that.. we don't know which time we will gonna die... and in this life we want to leave a beautiful thing behind us we want to do our best, so each day will gonna be treated as a separated day by it own.. try to make it as beautiful as I can

do what ever u can do, help people around u.. don't stick to one side expand ur area of responsibility ,each time of ur life has something that u r responsible for it.. smile and be awesome because u r awesome ^^

 if u have a goal or u wanna be a someone special , start right now don't wait or hesitate.. ask about it (if u don't have thing to do or don't know what to do , try new things till u get ur self in a place that u can give ur passion and commitment) and always remember u can do what ever u want.. just make it in step by step.. no rushes or do those crazy actions to put ur self on spot light.. be confident be ur self the true one.. everything will be o. k if u put ur mind and soul into it.. and care for the people around u care for ur self too cause u deserve the best like the others... sharing is caring and caring is sharing.. and remember the more u give the more it will return back to u..!!
live to the max.... and smile ^^


have an awesome March 
Good Luck


  1. Aweeeeesooome post hinno :) :) love it. Very inspirational ♥
    May allah grant us the will & the power to be awesome :D

    1. omg amna!!! thanks a lot for ur sweet comment dear.. it's mean a lot for me ❤❤❤ really appreciated.. omona they didn't ><hahaha lovvvve 😙😘😚
