it's a
character that I have started designing it since 2013
character that bring a smile into ur face

Here is Honey Dokky dokky!
a square face.. with heart shaped ears

and when u look close into her face u can see a heart shape in her chin..
heart shaped hands and feet.. there is a lot of hearts here guys

Heart that give u love..
passion.. lots of emotions... that why it's
and down there u can see that she is planted in a plant pot.. that represent refreshment freshness and all thing that is natural... connected to the nature...

body is so elastic
can elongate and shrink .

and the
name.. yes I forget about the name...
dokky dokky
honey :
something sweet and worthy.
dokky: Japanese sound language that represents heart beats sounds.
that's all ...a little introduction to Honey dokky dokky !
u can see a lot of drawings related to this character on my studio pages (on the right bar) ^^
have a nice happy day everyone
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