Thursday, December 31, 2015

Moments To Remember : Good Bye 2015!


Despite am on hiatus right now and didn't post anything this week but I want just to wrap up 2015 ( and to complete my posts to 40 by the end of this year hehe)  I want to say thank u to all who have been reading my blog posts in this year.. thank you so much.. I just want to put a full stop now. and open a new chapter hoping for more beautiful moments to come..!
see u next year and have a great time!


Monday, December 21, 2015

Moments To Remember : Sorry if I bothered u !

The feeling that gets u from the
pressure outside.. the pressure to reach & accomplish something... the pressure to do good and act good..
Those feelings that get u from no one appreciating ur work.. from no one appreciating what r u doing in ur life right now..

Monday, December 07, 2015

Harvest moon: November End !

Hello everyone
November said good bye last week 
And here are some Sentences like Phrases that i have been written since the beginning of Nov ..Everyday, i tried to write at least ONE SENTENCE..
Here we go ..

 🍁🌱 A headache can visit u sometimes.. please relax..

🌱 A calm person...!

🌱 Accept the differences !

🌱 I hate people who go and leave behind an empty space in my heart.

🌱 If someone told u something or criticize u (who r close to u) don't be angry... and also try to help and told other people ,don't be shy about that.