Monday, December 21, 2015

Moments To Remember : Sorry if I bothered u !

The feeling that gets u from the
pressure outside.. the pressure to reach & accomplish something... the pressure to do good and act good..
Those feelings that get u from no one appreciating ur work.. from no one appreciating what r u doing in ur life right now..

The feeling of being lonely.. with no one hearing ur voice when u scream... when u speak.. when just one sound come out from ur mouth..
Those miserable feelings.. engulfed inside me as am wondering if  
someone will hear me one day.. if someone will see me one day
if someone will tell me that u act good and go continue ur good work.. if someone will appreciate my existence in this world.. if someone could hear my wheezing tiny sound..

I become afraid sometimes ..what if I collapsed.. or what if I... I dont know.. being walking alone in this long way is something I really hate and will forever hate.. If I say I don't care then I am laying.. cause am a human too.. need some patting on my back.. need some nice words...need some appreciation.. need some help..

Sorry if I bothered u.. I was on my long way walking all alone .. I just turned my face to told u something.. u might be the person that I am looking for... but never mind.. I will turn my back and cont walking.. I may find someone in my long way.. or maybe the Sky will gather my shattered voice and spread it again in a beautiful way..

Good bye!


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