Sunday, September 08, 2019

Push Push : Phrases Written By Me !

Hello beautiful people 
here are some sentences like Phrases that i have been written 
past months ...some Lessons in Life 🍃

Throw the age limit, shine on ur own time and ( don't forget to ) keep moving forward...
Don't consume with other people feelings and with ur feelings too.. feel it.. then up up.. don't sunk forever !!
Don't attached to things so desperately.. and don't force people to like things.... take everything light hearted.. and live ur life freely and delightfully.. cause while ur are in the road.. there will be people whose absolutely and surely will
come to u and will be interested and love what u r doing.. smile and be diligent.
the power of release :
Don't hold tightly on things that make u unhappy.. unsatisfied.. in painful.. don't hold on things just for ur ego.. for people please.. over ur health ..ur happiness.. ur belief and u satisfaction...
Sometimes things come too early.. sometimes too late.. either way all come on their own time..
Don't wait for some one to push you forward.. be that one who push him/her self..
Connection is more important than numbers which also bring more 
numbers too ! 
Its such an uncountable blissing to live in a peaceful mind and heart 💜
As long as you r a live don't forget to breath..🍀
#الحمدلله ☂️
Don't wait until someone start to credits you.. don't wait until someone pushes you.. don't wait.. be the one who always push him/her self.. stop wasting your time and start Now.. 
That darkness make the stars even brighter.. watching the sky after midnight is one of those blessings 🌃🌉🌌
One of the important keys of Happiness is always being thankful from the bottom of my heart
A blue sky.. a bright day.. a bright thought.. being thankful to Allah for everything is a bliss you are living in every moment in ur life..
A wakeup call for those who refuse to wake up.. for those who want to continue sleeping despite having the beautiful treasure next to them.. inside them.. wake up.. there are still beautiful things to do..
it's o.k to take break.. to rest.. to sleep for a while.. to live in that boredom in somehow for sometime.. but now it's time to wake up from that long sleep.. its time to move.. try new things.. walk along your way and help ur self and creatures around u..
its time now.. please wake up..!
☂️Until the time you stop worrying about those things ,
you will get to where you want and to what you want ... to the better and to the best..!
If I praise someone doesn't necessarily mean I am degrading the others 
u shine on your own way like everyone !

have a nice day ~ 😘


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