Saturday, May 06, 2023

what a beautiful morning

 yesterday while i was heading to sleep i look from our bed room window to see the moon cause it's light was there and i couldn't see it and wouldn't want to open the rest of the window to not wake up my sister who was sleeping at that time and she was a very light sleeper ,, anyhow i saw clouds there where the light beaming through lightly and then went to sleep while being like oh i want to see the moon ,, i woke up earlier and after i prayed and read my quran hanan told me to look at the moon ,,from the huge window hehe and then as i was coming i was telling her that i

saw it ( i forgot that i couldn't and i didn't ) and once i took a glance at that huge full yellow moon i said : OMG NO I DIDN'T SEE IT I WAS ABOUT TO SEE YET YESTERDAY AND COULDN'T BECAUSE OF BLA BLA ,,, anyhow i was like finally aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh i see you ,, the moon ah i cant describe how beautiful it was full glowing moon showing its beauty before leaving us to the sun which was coming from the other side and its light was beaming through out the sky ,, the scene was super serene and breathtaking ,, i was super happy to witness it i also took off my glasses and saw the sky with my bare eyes ,, my eyes sights have been improving lately and i am super happy and super thankful ,, any how i was like the scene of the moon setting there in the sky with purplish blue colors and the mountain beneath it and tiny strands blue strands above it i was like let me take a pic of it ,, i want to do so !! then i grabbed my phone which then i switched immediately after because of my high quality dslr camera that can capture the details of the moon unlike my phone which the moon came out there as a shining circle without details ,, i captured it with my beautiful camera and i was sooo sooooo happy as i zoomed in and saw the details the browny dark areas on the yellow moon which i almost captured with my eyes ,, the scene was breathtaking and it got represented in front of me as if the show got postponed yesterday before going to sleep to be present today and me to surrender to believe deep inside and let my self be with this beautiful glorious flow that i am always grateful for ,, the moon then went beneath the mountain and the sun's light became stronger and stronger ,, and when i headed back to the kitchen i was like OMG yess it was the yellow moon that i wanted to draw on the last page of my drawing pad hehe 

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